
Saturday, 26 March 2011

Dostoyevski: cockroach?

I turned off my lights for Earth Hour this evening and my faithful friend and I held a tet a tet quiz.  OOO and I lost.  God, I hate losing.  I nearly turned the lights back on in my rage, until I realised it wasn't the Earth's fault that I didn't know the title of Katie Price's biography.  Is this what constitutes general knowledge these days? I ask you!

Anyway, back to the next suggestion from F.W.W. I've decided to stay with the robbing from books idea.  When it claimed that Dostoyevski said, "Only if I could become an insect!"  I found myself wishing he had, and then been stepped on or roasted by a child with a magnifying glass before he'd had a chance to write any of his wordy tomes to save me the guilt of never making it past any of his first pages. So, I'm rejecting this idea as I neither fancy (metaphysically) becoming an insect or, indeed, Dostoyevski (never trust a man with a beard).

N.B. I submitted an entry into the Bristol Prize competition today.  I felt proud of myself that I had, firstly,completed a story and secondly actually sent it off.  It is very gentle and parochial and far from deep but I enjoyed the process.  So, that's good isn't it!

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I would really welcome constructive comments or perhaps even some inspiration. To be honest , I would settle for some encouragement.